Slawomir Pryzbek

Dear Sirs,
It is with regret that we have to inform you that our colleague Slawomir Przybek passed away on Saturday evening as a result of the COVID19 illness. The entire WMH team is deeply saddened by this sudden and unexpected death.
For this reason, the WMH in Poland is temporarily unavailable. We ask you to send the inquiries to our team in Germany, which will take over the processing of the orders during these difficult times. Since our capacities in the WMH in Polish are limited, we ask you to please write your e-mails and inquiries in English.
You can contact our colleagues as below:
Jochem Breiden 0201 2019-124 (
Habib Baskan 0201 2019-164 (
Thank you for your understanding.
Frank Hermann